Our Philosophy

Owasso Preparatory Academy bases its educational philosophy on three main components: (1) a biblical foundation, (2) preparing each student for higher education, and (3) emphasizing the parent’s vital role in their child’s education.

A Biblical Foundation

The gospel and biblical integration is key to everything we do at Owasso Preparatory Academy. We keep this in mind when choosing curriculum, developing programs and hiring teachers.

Preparing Each Student For Higher Education

One of our institutional goals is to cultivate a love of learning within our students to create life-long learners. We know the importance of education and the power of wisdom. Since all knowledge and wisdom point to Jesus Christ (Colossians 2:3), we believe that a truly profitable education is founded in God’s holy word.

Emphasizing The Parent’s Vital Role In Their Child’s Education
Parents have the unique opportunity to disciple their children – to prepare them for life. Deuteronomy 6:6-9 says as parents, in our comings and goings, we are to impress God’s Word upon our children. When our children are exposed to the world, as we know they will be, we want parents to feel called and equipped to point them back to the gospel.

Early Childhood


Middle School

High School

2024-2025 Class Options

At OPA, we have been called to walk alongside families in this journey of education and discipleship. A collaborative, blended schedule allows families and professional educators to work together to give each child the most effective education possible.