Extracurricular activities are an important component of a well-balanced education. From fine arts to athletics, organized extracurricular activities give students opportunities to make new friends, develop new skills, and discover new interests. Furthermore, extracurricular activities can be great opportunities for mentorship and ministry.

At Owasso Preparatory Academy, we provide extracurricular activities that will enable students to pursue their passions with the purpose of glorifying God. By providing organized activities, teams, and events we will aim to teach students how they can glorify God through all areas of His creation; whether that’s singing on stage or shooting hoops.

We welcome homeschool families to join our athletic activities.  Please contact Kelly Danklefsen at kdanklefsen@owassoprep.org for more information.

The Owasso Prep Lions are a member of the Heartland Christian Athletic Association and currently competing in the following sports:


  • Basketball (Girls and Boys)
  • Cheerleading
  • Cross Country (Girls and Boys)
  • Soccer (Girls and Boys)
  • Volleyball

Jr. High & High School

  • Basketball (Girls and Boys)
  • Golf
  • Cheerleading
  • Cross Country (Girls and Boys)
  • Soccer (Girls and Boys)
  • Volleyball

We believe sports are an integral part of the development of our student athletes. Sports unifies, entertains, and pushes our limits, and that spirit is alive and well at Owasso Prep!

EXPECTATIONS & Sportsmanship

We want to intentionally develop good sportsmanship, whether we win or lose, which is first modeled by our parents and in our practice efforts. You can expect staff and parent coaches to care about your child’s athletic development and spiritual development.

Community Building

We care very much about our community and are constantly looking for ways to invite and involve parents to be active participants in the OPA family. Sports afford us a gateway to interact while supporting and exposing our students to team sports. Not only do parents play a decisive role in the academic regimen of their children, but they also play a part in their physical development.